THE BEST LOADS: MPG Loads – Small Appliances, Housewares, Gadgets, GM USA

28885 - THE BEST LOADS: MPG Loads – Small Appliances, Housewares, Gadgets, GM USA
28885 - THE BEST LOADS: MPG Loads – Small Appliances, Housewares, Gadgets, GM USA

THE BEST LOADS: MPG Loads – Small Appliances, Housewares, Gadgets, GM USA

Item number: 28885

Incredible mix of products: small electronic appliances,gadgets,  kitchen utensils, camping,  children's items., HBA and much more ...
The pallets are built in a uniform way so you can unload the truck and sell them ...
Mix of shelve goods and canned goods - very clean goods!
We found on average over 800$ in retail value per pallet. Some up to 2 000$ !!
You'll have the most beautiful pallets in the industry - and the easiest TO sell - you'll sell them so quickly that you'll be back for seconds right away ...
Acquista in 3 configurazioni:
30 pallet @ 475$ per pallet
60 pallet @ 465$ per pallet
90 pallet @ 445$ per pallet

Price: 445.00 $

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.