Arrow Squeeze Driver - As Seen on TV USA

28624 - Arrow Squeeze Driver - As Seen on TV USA

Arrow Squeeze Driver - As Seen on TV USA

Item number: 28624

Arrow Squeeze Driver - As Seen on TV
There are 3 000 pieces of this item on 6 pallets
Price take all: 6.80$ each.
Sold by the pallet (500 pieces)

There are no real current comps or retails for these.  There is not one on Amazon and eBay has the original version for $18.  They were an ASOTV item that sold for 19.95$.  During that time there were a couple knock off tools that also sold for ~20$. Let us know, if you have any question, interest or offers. ALL OFFERS WILL BE CONSIDERED.

Price: 6.80 $

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.