Champion Clothing Inventories USA

60347 - Champion Clothing Inventories USA
60347 - Champion Clothing Inventories USA
60347 - Champion Clothing Inventories USA
60347 - Champion Clothing Inventories USA
60347 - Champion Clothing Inventories USA
60347 - Champion Clothing Inventories USA
60347 - Champion Clothing Inventories USA
60347 - Champion Clothing Inventories USA

Champion Clothing Inventories USA

Item number: 60347

Champion Clothing Inventories
Attached are two (2) Champion clothing closeout inventories.
1 file 2 709 pcs. at 12.00$ pcs.
2 file 6 199 pcs. at 12.00$ pcs.
Packinglist Nr. 2 per customer reques

Additional information:

1 Packinglist here.xlsx 1 Packinglist here

Price: 12.00 $

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.